Trails to the Past would appreciate any genealogy information that you may have such as news items, wills, deaths, births, biographies etc. if you have any of these items they can be emailed to Marie Miller the state of Minnesota Adminstrator
Its county
seat is Marshall. Marshall was platted in 1872
when the railroad was extended to that point.
Lake Marshall Township had been established in
the area two years earlier, and included a post
office and several farms. Before that, the site
was occasionally used as a campground for groups
of Dakota, who hunted and traveled throughout
the region. After much discussion, James J.
Manton decided on Marshall in honor of Governor
William R. Marshall.
The town grew rapidly. In
1873, the first newspaper was published by
Samuel Biglari, the Prairie Schooner. Biglari
noted in the October 25, 1873, newspaper, "Nine
months ago the first house was erected. Now
there are 79 permanent buildings already
constructed, and this number will be increased
by others already planned." Marshall became an
incorporated village in 1876, and a city on
February 20, 1901. In April, 1874, the local
paper estimated the population of Marshall at
300, by 1900 the population was 2,088. Holy
Redeemer Catholic Church was built in 1884. The
Weiner Memorial Hospital was built in 1950. Also
during the 1950s, Marvin Schwan transformed his
dairy into an ice cream home delivery service,
which eventually grew into the Schwan Food
On Line
Data |
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Cities Balaton Cottonwood Florence Garvin Ghent Lynd Marshall
seat) Minneota Russell Taunton Tracy Unincorporated
communities Amiret Burchard Dudley Green Valley
Townships Amiret
Township Clifton Township Coon Creek
Township Custer Township Eidsvold
Township Fairview Township Grandview
Township Island Lake Township Lake
Marshall Township Lucas Township Lynd
Township Lyons Township Monroe
Township Nordland Township Rock Lake
Township Shelburne Township Sodus
Township Stanley Township Vallers
Township Westerheim
information on Trails to the Past ©
Copyright may be used in personal family history research, with source citation. The pages in entirety may not be duplicated for publication in any fashion without the permission of the owner. Commercial use of any material on this site is not permitted. Please respect the wishes of those who have contributed their time and efforts to make this free site possible.~Thank you! |