Trails to the Past would appreciate any genealogy information that you may have such as news items, wills, deaths, births, biographies etc. if you have any of these items they can be emailed to Marie Miller the state of Minnesota Adminstrator
On Line
Data |
| |
Cities Cedar
Mills Cosmos Darwin Dassel Eden Valley
Grove City Kingston Litchfield (county
seat) Watkins Unincorporated
communities Acton Beckville Corvuso Crow
River Forest
City Greenleaf Jennie Lamson Manannah Rosendale Strout |
Townships Acton
Township Cedar Mills
Township Collinwood Township Cosmos
Township Danielson Township Darwin
Township Dassel Township Ellsworth
Township Forest City Township Forest Prairie
Township Greenleaf Township Harvey
Township Kingston Township Litchfield
Township Manannah Township Swede Grove
Township Union Grove
The information
on Trails to the Past © Copyright may be used in personal family history research, with source citation. The pages in entirety may not be duplicated for publication in any fashion without the permission of the owner. Commercial use of any material on this site is not permitted. Please respect the wishes of those who have contributed their time and efforts to make this free site possible.~Thank you! |